Thursday, October 1, 2009

Announcing the WINNER of the PaPaYa Art Giveaway!

Congratulations to the LUCKY girl, Katie from Tulsa Details who just won my handpicked selection of PaPaYa items including an assortment of cards, file folders, notepads, a journal & my favorite wall hanging!
Katie has been a loyal reader of The TomKat Studio since the beginning, and I just worked with her sister on the invitations and party circles for Katie's 30th birthday party!

Allison had asked for a chandelier theme for the wine & pizza making soiree, and I was happy to fulfill her request!
These designs are now available in the shop!

Thank you all for participating and checking out PaPaYa's fabulous website & blog!
I hope you found some great inspiration over there!

True Random Number Generator Min: 1 Max: 154 Result: 66 Powered by RANDOM.ORG


  1. Beyond bummed I did not win this one!!!!! But what a nice gift to help celebrate number 30, which I also did this year.

    Thanks so much for sharing Papaya Art with us, I am for sure going to be getting some holiday gifts (for myself,hehe) from their site...

    - Amy

  2. Get out!!!! How fun!!! : ) What a fun early birthday gift! Thanks so much! I cannot wait to see what you picked out in person. How exciting!

  3. Congratulations...I love her invitations!

  4. oh man i am so sad i didn't win this! I LOVE EVERYTHING about Papaya!
