Monday, October 19, 2009

Cupcake Monday: Afraid to Frost Your Cupcakes? Start with this Sweet Cupcake Kit!

The lovely Stacy from Inkspot Workshop, sent me a link to this
sweet cupcake kit from Fred Flare that she figured I would love!
I wonder why?! I mean, seriously....could it be any cuter?
A gift for one of your friends, a thank you gift, a gift for mom....
there's bound to be a woman (or man) in your life that would appreciate this kit!
I know I would!
The packaging alone makes my heart flutter!

Get one HERE!

Thanks for sharing this, Stacy!
Stacy is a fellow Etsy card/invitation designer, with a simple modern style that I love!
She just came out with her 2009 holiday line....check it out HERE!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Oh my gosh seeing this kit just made my day! I am a cupcake lovey at heart as I collect cupcake cookbooks. I need to add this item to my Christmas list! Have a wonderful day.

  2. Love this...I have seen it in stores before to check out those links...happy day to you!

  3. Love this! I might be asking this as a Christmas gift for myself! Thanks for the tip.

  4. This is exactly what I need!!! Thanks for sharing....can't wait to get one!

  5. sold out!! oh no.. What a perfect hostess gift, but it is on back order until 12/15.

  6. I love this!! I got it at Janie and Jack, actually when they had their cupcake line out. It's even cuter in person!!

  7. Hi! I found your blog through my etsy traffic sources! Do you know how people were getting to my site from yours? Id love to know! I also love your blog, so cute! :)

  8. Thanks for the shout out Kim!! This kit had your name written all over it:) It was also the inspiration behind my new website. I mean really, a girl can't have enough brown with sprinkle colors...right?
