Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cupcake Monday: Tea Cup Cupcakes!

One of my fave party girl bloggers, Becca at Birthday Girl posted these adorable tea cup cupcakes a couple weeks ago! Aren't they heavenly?
Find the RECIPE HERE on the Birthday Girl blog!
If you haven't been to her site yet, go browse around...
you'll be happy you did!
It's full of fabulous party inspiration and ideas!
{Photo & Recipe originally from Sweet Paul}


  1. Can't wait to try these cute tea cup capcakes. I will add the recipe to my:

  2. thanks for sharing my post kim! i hope you're settling into your new place and having fun shopping for new furniture. i'm impressed you have time to keep up with your blog and designs... you must be so busy right now!

  3. great idea! i am loving that "boo" printable! we just got "booed" last night so i think i might have to use it! i just did a post on my little girls birthday cupcakes! they turned out cute and yummy! i would love for you to stop by! thanks!

  4. What a Lovely `Tea` Party they would make

  5. These look delicious! I'm so excited...I just found a new cupcake shop near our house! Hope your move went well!

  6. I'm so doing this sometime for my daughter. These are adorable!
