Monday, January 4, 2010

{Cupcake Monday} Sprinkles Cupcakes for Me!

Is it Monday already?! That's right...actually Monday night!
It's time for me to get back in the groove of things, ladies!

One of my sweet local customers, Lisa came by before Christmas to pick up a few frames, and to my surprise she brought me a SWEET housewarming gift!
SPRINKLES cupcakes!
Does she know me, or what?!
I snapped the photo above before we devoured them!

Thanks, Lisa!


  1. And the packaging is so cute! I could almost care less what is inside as long as the package is cute. But then to have those darn cute and delicious looking cupcakes inside...lucky girl! =)

  2. Glad you loved them!!! How was that pumpkin spice? And anytime you have a Sprinkles craving just give me a call! It's too close to my office to keep away from :).

  3. How I wish I had those right now! They would make a pregnant momma happy!

  4. Those look so simple and delicious! Perfect gift!

  5. sprinkles is my absolute favorite cupcake place!!!!

    thank goodness they are opening one this year in houston. i've been craving them soo bad.

  6. Those are seriously adorable. I want some!

  7. We don't have any sprinkles stores here in Canada, though I wish we did. But the recipe for the sprinkles strawberry cupcakes on Martha Stewart were de-licious!

  8. Yummy, right ladies?!

    Lisa - You were right, the pumpkin spice was the BEST! Yum.

    Thank you!
