Thursday, July 1, 2010

{Real Parties} Fabulous 4th of July Inspiration!

I am so lucky to have the most amazing readers. Everyday I receive the sweetest emails from fans who have been inspired, have used our products or just want to express their love for the blog. I read every single email and I just want to say THANK YOU all for making my day, everyday. One of my sweetest readers, Lauren has sent me numerous fabulous parties, several that are on our future feature list. (so many parties, so little time!) When she sent this Memorial day party, we knew it would be perfect to share this week for 4th of July inspiration!
Here's what Lauren has to say about The TomKat Studio
(it gives me the goosebumps):
I just wanted to comment on your humble and positive way. I love how you are always praising your “inspirations” when they could very well be your competitors. I know that a lot of people strive to be as successful as you are and you always seem to be calling attention to other people. Your modesty, creativity and ambition are truly a gift. Your special way of making people feel good will act as a magnet and enable you to form such a wonderful business network, as if you haven’t already!
Your biggest fan, Lauren

Lauren, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sweet words and sharing your talent with us!


  1. GREAT party...does Lauren have a blog? I love hercandy names!

  2. Awww Kim, that is such a lovely compliment!

  3. cute! I love the carnations! Happy 4th!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  4. Lauren couldn't be more're truly amazing! It's always nice to hear that, isn't it? Happy celebrating! :)

  5. Lauren speaks for all of us Kim-you're the best! :) Happy 4th!

  6. Yes, Kim, you are an inspiration to us all with your talent and generous spirit!
    I love Lauren's party! The carnation flag is too cute, and I love how she adorned the galvanized tray (I believe that's the one at Pottery Barn that I have had my eye on.) She may have just pushed me closer to a purchase! :-)

  7. Lauren could not be more accurate! You are truly wonderful :)

  8. What a lovely party from Lauren! And her sweet words to you are so true ;)

  9. Lauren said it best, for sure! I am a fairly new follower to the blog and am amazed that even with your busy work schedule, you blog so frequently. Please keep doing what you do- your inspirations are inspiration to us as well. But nothing about your posts are as inspirational as you are.

  10. That is the sweetest compliment ever! Such an awesome party too!!

  11. Those are some wonderul and creative ideas! Thank you for sharing!! Happy 4th weekend to you!
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

  12. What sweet words, Kim! It is so true deserve it! Lauren's party is fabulous!!! If I only had time to throw one more party..ha! :)

  13. Ohh super fun!! Thank you so much for the beautiful ideas.

  14. What great cookies and I like the flag flower arrangement!

  15. What an awesome party! Love the floral flag! =)

  16. Such pretty decorations! Hope your 4th was great!
