Thursday, September 2, 2010

{Photo Shoot} Meet the TomKat Team!

Last week, the TomKat girls had a little fun with makeup, hair & modeling! Thanks to one of my BFFs, Vicki of Vicki Lynn Photography, we now have professional headshots to use on our new blog! (coming soon!) My fabulous sister-in-law, Nicollette "glamourized" us with makeup/hair! I am absolutely thrilled with how they came out and Vicki captured everyone beautifully! It doesn't hurt that the girls that work for me are GORGEOUS, right? So, without further ado, I reintroduce you to Andrea & Toni, my right-hand girls and am excited to introduce you to Nicollette, who will be handling some new projects for TKS! ~ Kim

Gorgeous, or what?!?
Need your own professional or family photos?
If you are in the Phoenix area, call THIS GIRL.
Thank you, Vicki! They are perfect!


  1. Just stunning Kim - do wish I lived closer!! Leanne xx

  2. everyone looks beautiful! the makeup application is spectacular, Nicollette is very good. The photography is stunning too.

  3. You sure are a bunch of gorgeous ladies. And I love your site and the work you do!

  4. Work it girls! You all look fabulous! So very pretty.

  5. Woohoo, look at those hotties! Great pics! :)

  6. What a beautiful team you have! Love the hair accessories, too!

  7. Fabulous! I can't wait to see you guys on Oprah's show meeting MARTHA!

  8. Oh my goodness, you girls are all GORGEOUS!!

  9. Beautiful pictures! Beautiful ladies! You all should be proud of what you have created here in this wonderful bog.

  10. WOW~ how gorgeous is your team?! Crazy beautiful!

  11. Creative AND beautiful! What a team!! Wish I was closer! I could use some glamorizing!! ;-)

  12. Gorgeous photos of gorgeous ladies!! I can't wait to see your blog changes!!

  13. Beautiful shots of all! Kim, LOVE both dresses in these shots. Recent purchases? If so, would love to know where I could find these. Thank you!

  14. BEAUTIFUL!! Vicki - you did awesome!!

  15. Wow ... yes! They really are perfect! You are stunning!

  16. gorgeous! gorgeous! love them all. love your polka dot dress! and can't wait for your new blog! *wink*

  17. Thank you, ladies! We had a great time!!
    @JC's Loft - You too can have those eyelashes, just visit your local drugstore and glue them on! ;)
    Kimberly - The green ruffle dress was from TJ Maxx, but a couple months ago. The black/white dot dress was borrowed from my BFF. I rarely dress up these days, so I had to raid her closet!

  18. Okay, seriously. You all look amazing! Could there BE a prettier team!? You're all gorgeous!


    Silver Lining

  19. is everything TomKat!

  20. Dang, you girls are all gorgeous!! Bunch of hotties on the TKS team!

  21. Gorgeous TomKat ladies!!! You look fantastic!!! :)

  22. Wow - gorgeous! You TomKat ladies better watch out for tomcats looking like that!

  23. Love it...where did you get those adorable headbands??

  24. very pretty but reminds me of "glitz" photos for little girls in pageants. you're pretty without all the photoshop kim.

  25. You guys look great, but I agree with the comment above, re: Photoshop. You don't need it and are beautiful without it.

  26. Loving the hair accessories! Are those from an Etsy seller?

  27. Wow! I have to agree with the comments above about all the Photoshop.

    I don't think that is the right message you want to send to your readers: that you all are super perfect...looks & all. I think we get enough of that in the media. So sad to see The TomKat Studio heading in that direction.

    You ARE beautiful just the way you are and you should own that!

    Best wishes!
