Sunday, October 3, 2010

{Cupcake Monday} Fabulous Cupcake Boxes from Jules' Cupcakes!

Jules of Jules' Cupcakes and I met on Twitter! She had me design custom party circles for an event a few months back. She recently shared a link to her fabulous cupcake boxes with me and I fell in love! I had her send me a few samples to check them out and they are just too cute!
The large LULA box (holds 12 cupcakes) paired perfectly with the fabulous pink flower cupcakes by Decadent Delights from our photo shoot last weekend! (coming soon!) Jules offers the boxes in three sizes!
Check them out here!
I was smitten with these pink flower cupcakes that Melissa made.
Aren't they perfectly gorgeous?
Find these talented ladies here:
Jules' Cupcakes on Facebook (San Francisco, CA)
I hope you have a lovely week!


  1. Love the boxes and the cupcakes. Just divine. x

  2. Those boxes are so cute, and so different! I have to say, though...those cupcakes are amazing! Having recently tried my hand with gumpaste, I know that those flowers take a lot of talent and time. Absolutely beautiful!

  3. Adorable! Any chance you have your October Calendar ready?

  4. Hi Ashley!
    Here is the link:

  5. The box is too cute! And the cupcakes are GORGEOUS!

  6. A-dorable boxes love,love, love them, and the cakes are very sweet as well.

  7. That is awesome! I think you'd love Scratch Bakery. I have no affiliation, but your cupcake Monday made me think of passing it on.

  8. Thanks for sharing, these are lovely!
