Monday, October 11, 2010

{Cupcake Monday} New Adorable Cupcake Shirts from Finley & Oliver!

Happy, Happy Cupcake Monday!

I happened upon these ADORABLE cupcake shirts yesterday while catching up on Facebook! Grace of Finley and Oliver designed these shirts for her boys (above) and Laura Winslow's kids to wear to the Cupcake Love-in Event yesterday. I missed the event due to traveling, but it was held here in Phoenix at the Hotel Valley Ho (one of my fave places!). I heard it was fabulous! I knew you would all love these shirts as much as I do, so I immediately asked Grace if I could feature them today on Cupcake Monday!

{laura's adorable little ones, photo courtesy of their mommy}

I first "met" Grace on Twitter last year and finally met her in person a few months ago at our Alice Inspired Photo Shoot! She designed the girls' tank tops and also the adorable outfit the boy model wore in the shoot! This local momma is seriously talented!

Connect with FINLEY & OLIVER:
Finley & Oliver Shop
Finley & Oliver Blog
Finley & Oliver on Facebook

Grace, the designer with her adorable son!

Photos courtesy of Laura Winslow Photography and Finley & Oliver


  1. Really posh! I love it!


  2. LOVE these! I am going to order the cupcakes for my nieces. Adorable!

  3. Finally! Something Cupcakey and boyish!

  4. I just love Grace and her amazing creativity! Finley and Oliver rocks!!! What a wonderful feature on a rad mama! xoxo

  5. Thanks so much for the sweet feature, Kim! These t-shirts were so fun to make!

  6. Oh my! Could this be any cuter? I just loved them!! Great job!
