Monday, October 25, 2010

{Real Parties} Cameron's Art Party!

You are going to LOVE this party! You may remember this creative momma from when we featured this fabulous party a couple of months ago! Lauren recently contacted us to help with the designs for her daughter Cameron's 6th birthday party. Unfortunately, we were booked on custom work but Lauren did an absolutely fabulous job on her own!

The party started with personalized aprons for the guests as they arrived. Normally, the favors are given at the END of the party, but they gave them out early so the guests could wear them during their art projects. They had Art Stations throughout the party and did activities such as "Draw a Self Portrait" and "Make a Masterpiece" where they made bracelets and decorated butterflies. They also had "Nail Painting" and "Face Painting" areas. So much fun!

Lauren got very creative with the food.....

Lauren, you did another fantastic job!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful day with us!


  1. Would love to know where she got everything. It is beautiful!

  2. WOW that is so creative! She thought of ever detail. What a great party concept!!

  3. Lovely party - such vibrant colors and the details were perfect. Great job!

  4. I love it when hostesses get creative with the names of their food!

    Amazing cake!

  5. What an awesome party theme. I love it!

  6. So absolutely cute! Creative. I love it! Inspiration for sure!

  7. What a wonderful party!

    Though, hers is much nicer, your posts inspired a recent party I had as well. Love it!

  8. Adorable party Lauren - you did an fantastic job! Love each and every detail ...

  9. Wow! That really is a creative adorable party! Thanks for posting it!

  10. Wow! I love the "crayons" and the sweets table. So creative.

  11. What a creative and unique party. I love the cake! Great Job Lauren!!

  12. LOVE this!! What a great idea, and the details are perfect!

  13. Too stinking cute, and such creativity!

  14. Love the stripes and all the details! Such a great party!!

  15. What a great party theme! My daughter is a budding art lover and now I know what her birthday party theme is going to be! Thank you for the inspiration!

  16. This party is absolutely adorable! Love the art and color scheme, and the box of fruit crayons is so clever!

  17. This is so adorable, mi niece loves to draw this is such a great theme
