Tuesday, July 6, 2010

{Sweet Customers} Alexa Cate's Pink & Orange Party!

Oh my, this party is absolutely GORGEOUS! Do you remember Kristy from F8 Kids Photography? We recently worked together on her sons' firetruck birthday party, see here. Kristy also asked me to help with the designs for her daughter, Alexa Cate's 2nd birthday! She requested bright pink, yellow & orange, and a simple and girly design. I was really busy during the time she needed everything, so I only was able to design the invitation, but she did an amazing job carrying out the colors and design style throughout the party! Kristy worked with Kim from Sweeties again on the oreo cookies, oreo pops & chocolate letters!

Are you swooning over the beauty of this party?
I sure am!
Kristy did such a beautiful job with everything!
Visit Kristy's full post and more details HERE!
Interested in the invitation and coordinating product designs?
Coming soon to the shop!
Email me for details!


  1. Wow! Amy & I concur....simply gorgeous!!!

  2. oooh1 so pretty! the little girl in her birthday outfit is my favorite part...how precious!

  3. it's gorgeous Kim...thanks for sharing! She did an amazing job with pulling everything together! And the color combo is stunning!!

  4. This party theme is adorable!! Specially the colors used for this time of year!

  5. What an amazing party! I love the colors and the theme! AND I love the drink dispenser! I got mine on coupon at Costco!! LOL!

  6. Thanks for posting!!! I am absolutely in love with the invitation and the cake! My orange, yellow and pink party is Saturday and I still don't have my cake ordered. I'm definitely sharing this picture with my baker! Thanks!

  7. What a sweet and colorful party! Beautiful.

  8. LOVE this color combo! I just created a "Bridal Shower in a Box" with this same color theme! Pics in my blog www.sheskindacrafty.blogspot.com

  9. I'm not usually a fan of pink and orange together, but this is pulled off so well! I wish my last birthday party had looked like this.

  10. This is stunning! My favorite colors! Adorable bday girl too :) Thanks for sharing...

  11. I am so in LOVE with these colors!!! Such beautiful work!

  12. Thanks Kim!! Love the post, you're the best! xoxo

  13. SO pretty! I thought those were wafers that you made look so pretty, Kim! Now I see;o) Awesome job, Kristy!

  14. Just beautiful!!!
    And how cute is that cake!?
    Love it!

  15. Wow, these colors are gorgeous together!! Everything looks so bright and cheerful, which is perfect for a birthday party! I love it!

  16. I love, love the orange and pink!! All of the colors and food and candy, and such a cute birthday girl to boot!

  17. Whoa! What an absolutely amazing visual. The colors have such flair and pizazz! A+ work!

  18. Wow those parties are fabulous, I love your talent!
