Wednesday, August 11, 2010

{My Trip to NYC} Part One :: A Mommy With a Dream

{art print via the love shop}

Written August 4, 2010 on my flight to NYC

Where am I? I’m not really sure I believe it myself.

About a year and a half ago, I left my career in real estate to stay home with my little ones, Tommy & Kate. I started a little blog, The TomKat Studio to share creative ideas and projects I was working on. Given my love for design and photography, a blog was the perfect outlet for me. I started blogging about home decorating, staging, baking, parties and all things pretty that caught my eye. After quickly gaining readership, I decided to open up an Etsy shop to sell some of the things that I was creating.

Fast forward…a year and a half, I am on a plane, on my way to the Martha Stewart headquarters in New York. I rarely take the time to reflect on all of the amazing things that have happened since I started focusing on my passion. I rarely take the time to realize how fast my business has grown and reflect on the fantastic opportunities I have been given. Last month alone, I was named Doer of the Week on Martha’s Dreamers into Doers site, had the opportunity to work with Amy Atlas on an Instyle Magazine photo shoot, was featured on Hostess with the Mostess, had one of my designs featured on, was written up in a fabulous article in The Arizona Republic and did an interview with the top radio station in Phoenix.
WHAT?! That was just JULY! Pinch me.

Tomorrow, I will be attending Martha’s Bloggers’ Night Out at the MS Headquarters. I will have the opportunity to meet some of the very women that have inspired me. I may even have a chance to meet MARTHA. Can you imagine?

Keep just never know where you could end up!

Stay tuned for all of the details from my trip!


  1. oh my!! im so happy for you! have a great trip and hope you get to meet her.

  2. You are truely an inspiration Kim, more than you know. You deserve it!

  3. You have come such a long way in such a short time. You are inspiring to so many. You are going to take the world by storm beautiful lady.

    I'm a little sad that I missed the Martha Bloggers' Night Out due to a conflicting event but I'm even more sad that I didn't get to see you at BlogHer.

  4. Wow, what a whirlwind! Congrats.

  5. Oh Kim, I am so excited for you girl! Much, much more is on the way!!!

  6. Wow. That really is an amazing journey in a very short amount of time. Good for you! And Martha knows a good thing when she sees one! You really are so talented, thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy your trip and CONGRATULATIONS on your success Kim!

  7. I love this post. SO inspiring. Keep dreaming and congrats!

  8. Congrats Kim! I have been following you for about the last 6 mos or so when I started my blog and shop. I don't have as big of dreams as you, but you have been an inspiration for me. I quit my job to stay home with my son and started turning my creative side into a business.

    From what I have read on your blog you have changed many lives just by your creativity and love for design :) When I'm feeling blocked in creativity and need some inspiring ideas to get the juices flowing...I ALWAYS check out your blog!

    I wish you all the success in the world and keep on blogging! :)

    Congrats Again!

  9. such a great post! It's always inspiring to read about dreams coming true!

  10. Kim, it has been so exciting watching your business grow. Not only are you doing and succeeding at what you love, but you are inspiring so many along the way. Congratulations to you on all of your successes...we are sure that there are so many more amazing moments waiting to be had by The TomKat Studio! The sky is the limit for you Kim!
    Sweetly, Melissa and Kellie

  11. Congratulations! I can't wait to hear more about Martha’s Bloggers’ Night Out :)

  12. Kim, you are such an inspiration for "beginners" like me. Congratulations!

  13. Such an inspirational and awesome story! I didn't know this had all happened so fast - congratulations! How did you get your name out there and get noticed, for those of us that are trying to grow our blog?

  14. Thanks for sharing this. It is just what I needed to hear today. I have been dabbling in my business for only a year now, but have been working and mothering full time. I was laid off Monday and your words here just reassured me that I have been handed my opportunity to make my dreams into a reality. Congrats on your success! Your designs and blog ar amazing!

  15. SO proud of you, Kim! You inspire us all to make our dreams come true! One beautiful party at a time!! XOXO

  16. that's awesome. I started a blog this year too because I love photography and food/baking. Can you help other beginner bloggers out there with tips on how to have a successful blog. WHere to advertise? Ways to spread the word and grab readers?

  17. what an amazing story.. it is obvious you have an amazing gift for "pretty things". Good luck on your trip! I would love to hear what your answers were to buttercream.. and how much knowledge did you have about html when you started blogging? Blog is so beautiful!

  18. I am such a sap. This made me tear up. =) Congratulations to you! I have loved getting to "know" you through blogging and was fortunate to have watched your journey when you began! Also, thank you so much for always being supportive of me! I think you were my second, if not first follower!

    Lots of love!!

  19. This made me cry! There is nothing more gratifying than being recognized for the things in life that we are truly passionate about - I feel like pinching myself every day for being able to stay home with my kids and working my dream job! You are such an inspiration, Kim!

  20. I got goosebumps reading this Kim! You are such a talented woman, and give it all so freely for us to see on your blog. you deserve each and every one of these amazing things that are happening to you.

  21. What an inspiration you are to all of us...Best of luck in the will continue to be amazing!

  22. Wow! You go girl! You deserve all of that and more! You are one talented mama! I wish I had your creative bone!

  23. congrats Kim! i cant wait to see what project you have next!

  24. Congrats! Very inspiring! Like a grown up fairy tale.

  25. Kim, I am so happy for you! I know from reading your blog that this was a dream come true! Congrats!

  26. Such a lovely post Kim - so so exciting for you - biggest congratulations - you continue to inspire me and I hope to one day turn my dreams into bigger things. Leanne x

  27. I am so happy for you, Kim! You are such a great person! I don't know if I could ever thank you enough for the kindness you showed me only a few months ago...I just wish I was a better photographer and would have got a few good shoots to share with you and your blog.

    You inspire me daily. Thank you.


  28. So, so cool!!! You make the blog world a pretty place to be! Congrats on your much deserved success! All the best to you!

  29. wow! this is so amazing! congrats on all these amazing successes:)

  30. Kim, good for you for actually taking time to "stop and smell the roses." You tell of your achievements with such an excited and grateful heart; it makes all of us just as excited FOR YOU! Keep up the good work!

  31. Kim, You are such an inspiration~ right up there with Amy Atlas! She's your idol and I don't know if you realize that your the idol of many woman who inspire to be just like you. I've watched you grow, and be so humble along the way. Stay true to you, and reach for the stars~ it's in your destiny!

    *Enough of that now~ "You go girl"!

  32. Congrats. Hard work definitely pays off. Keep reaching for the stars!

  33. You are certainly my inspiration for the day, week, month, year!!! :) I have a plan to stay home once I have my second child, along with a "stay-at-home" business. This gives me so much to look forward to as I plan to work on my passions in life and for that I just want to say "Thank you"

  34. Such a great post! I love to have seen your business grow from day 1! I can't wait to finish my studies and pursue my dream too! You are an inspiration to us all... Congrats!

  35. Your story is very inspiring! You go girl! :)

  36. that is so inspiring! love your site! :)

  37. As a mother of a little one and a business owner you are an inspiration! Congrats and keep up the fabulous work!

  38. Love your Blog!!!!! Have you tried brazilian cake before?
    It is delicious, the cakes are not too sweet and it taste more like muffins, but the filling are very sweet.
    My favorite one is with Dolce de letche filling! Wish you were closer so I could make a cake for one of your BEAUTIFUL PARTIES.
    Kisses and Hugs,
    Sol Plante

  39. Kim~ Your journey strikes a chord with many women and it is so special that you share your moments with others through your blog. I have said it before, but I feel the need to remind you that you, too, are always influencing many. Thanks for the wonderful opportunities that you provide. Every party is a group accomplishment and I can't thank you enough for including me in the mix!

    The Cookie Jar
