Sunday, September 5, 2010

{Cupcake Monday} Halloween Sneak Peek!

photo courtesy of Glory Albin

Glory from Glorious Treats and I have been chatting about doing a project together! We first "met" online last year when I asked permission to use her gorgeous Snowflake Cupcake photo in an inspiration post for a snowflake birthday party! We recently tossed around some ideas and decided to work together on one of my new HALLOWEEN printable collections! I sent Glory all of the files and she worked her magic with baking cupcakes and treats to showcase my designs! Stay tuned for the full post tomorrow!
This collection will be available in the shop later this week, with an introductory sale as usual!
On Friday, I am shooting an additional Halloween collection with a fabulous photographer, and it will be perfect for your adult or girls' night out Halloween events! Are you excited? I sure am!

photo courtesy of Glory Albin


  1. Can't wait, I love Halloween might be because my birthday is the day before. :0)

  2. I get very excited for Halloween and this is my first little exclamation of glee for the autumnal season to the post and your unique design ideas as per usual!

  3. Hello! I love your work. I found your blog recently when looking for ideas for my baby girl party. she's almost 2 and she loves Hello Kitty. I'm looking for something based on that theme but "outside the box". Unfortunately i'm from Portugal and we don't have a great variety of things like you have there and it's almost impossible for international shipping. Well I just wanted to say congratulations for all your work. kiss Sofia from Portugal ;)

  4. Make's me want to pull my jeans and sweaters out...great work!

  5. Hummm..That looks good. I will try to make it but I'm not sure if my cookies will come out as good as yours.

    I can here my son now, "nice try mom, nice try." lol

  6. Love these printables. Can't wait to get them for my cupcakes.

  7. I am usually more into "Fall" decorations as opposed to "Halloween", but your collection is so chic & cute, and not at all cheesy. Love those TomKat Studio web cookies also!

  8. These are so cute! I love the cookies. Can't wait to see the post. You inspire me!

  9. Can not wait to get this Halloween collection!!! It's fabulous!

  10. LOVE IT! those look so adorable!!! can't wait for halloween! :)

  11. Can't wait for Halloween. Love the sugar cookies.

  12. Love your blog!! But I hate halloween . . can't wait for it to be over.

