Last year, we had the pleasure of experiencing our first "BOO" from our neighbors! A few days before Halloween, our doorbell rang....T & K ran to the door only to see kids running down the street! We opened the door and found a box of cute cupcakes, along with a sign that explained that we had been "BOOED" and instructions on how to keep the fun going in the neighborhood! SO CUTE!

{do you like our scary skeleton?!}
Now that we are in a new neighborhood and don't know if anyone "BOOS" around here, we're going to start the fun next week by "BOOING" Tommy's teacher who lives in the neighborhood, along with our sweet next door neighbors! Speaking of Tommy's teacher, how sweet was this cookie she brought over when we were moving in.....yum!

I created a printable template and instructions for you to use to "BOO" your favorite neighbors!

I would love to know if you use these and what treats you deliver!
Thank you for the Booed Sign!!!!! It is sooo cute!!!!
aww, wish I had this last week. We got booed and then did the booing. very cute!! I'll have to print this out for next year.
Oh my goodness! So cute and fun! I'll be doing this for sure! Any excuse to bake, right?! =)
What a super cute idea! Sure makes me wish I lived in a neighborhood.
Love this!!
Your signs are so cute! Thank you for sharing them with us. We have Booed in our neighborhood for the past 2 years, it IS so much fun for the kids (and adults)! We usually give an assortment of goodies and small halloween trinkets from the Target dollar bin. My kids and I will start this yrs neighborhood booing with your cute signs today!!
Love these SO much I mentioned them on my blog this morning! Thanks so much (again) Kim!
seriously wish I would of had these earlier this week-they are so cute!
So cute!! I've never heard of boo-ing, but I'm going to Boo a few of our neighbors! Thanks for the printable and the info!
Love the cute BOO sign!! I am going to try and start this in my new neighborhood this year. I kinda wish I wasn't going away this weekend so I could bake but I may just have to stop by the bakery and pick something up so we can get this started!!
Too cute! Thanks so much for sharing!
Kim thanks for another great design! I haven't seen anyone in our community do this yet and we don't know any neighbors-might be a way to meet some!
LOVE these!
We LOVE to BOO and get BOOED!
Ms. Carrie is so sweet! What a nice teacher and neighbor! :)
Such a great idea to do it in the neighborhood. We are doing it in my office this week, I was boo'd yesterday and reciprocated today (thanks to 40% off all halloween decor at Hobby Lobby). Too cute!
Thanks for this amazing download! You are very talented and I enjoy your site!
This is awesome - what a great idea! Had to blog about it...
Thanks so much!
You saw our boo-ing treats : ) I linked this post from mine. Your signs are way cuter than the ones I used! LOL!!
Thanks for the super cute signs! I can't wait to BOO my neighbors! The kids will love it!
Cute! We've already been BOOed a few times and we will use these to boo people back!
So Cute! I've been wanting to do this in my office since I live in an apartment. I'd need to customize something for my setting, but these are super cute for future use.
These are so cute. I NEED a color printer ASAP!
Thanks so much for this. I'm sending my bloggers your way for this darling printable! :)
You are awesome! I love the Boo sign! Thank you! I can't wait to send my kiddos around to Boo our neighbors. We are making the pumpkin cupcakes that you featured.
These are gorgeous! We have been booing in our neighborhood for years but the signs are usually an old Xeroxed copy. A friend and I were talking about Booing yesterday and how you can tell so much about someone's personality by the way they "boo"...creative,last minute, someone who "recycles", etc. These signs would make a whole new category! Thanks so much...
I have really just become a fan of your blog through a friend but I absolutely love it! I wanted to see if you would create one for Thanksgiving and call it "you've been turkied". I thought this was a cute name and since it's too late for me to start one for October it would be fun to start one at the beginning of November! Hopefully you will consider this because you are amazing at creating these fun ideas and bringing them to life. Thanks and again, I love your blog!
Katie from Arkansas
what a cute idea!
Going along with what Katie said... how about You've Been Gobbled?
Thanks for sharing these free printables. So cute and handy this Halloween season. I've featured you here:
Thanks for the download. We have featured it today http://www.mytrendytykes.com/2010/10/ever-been-boo-ed.html
Fantastic! I was looking for something cute to do to welcome our new members to MOMS Club! Thanks for the template! You rock!
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