Monday, December 7, 2009

{Cupcake Monday} Sweet Holiday Cupcake Ideas!

Good Morning, my lovelies!
Happy Monday!
Today I'm sharing the prettiest holiday cupcake decorating ideas I could find around the web!
Gorgeous holiday cupcakes on a gorgeous tiered stand....
what's not to love?
How about this little snowman cupcake? Isn't he sweet?
I love how she tied a bow around the cupcake liner!
I'm going to have to try that trick!
While the two above may be a bit difficult for your average baker, this next one seems to be much more user-friendly! M&Ms, frosting, ribbon....ladies, we can handle these!

Get the recipe & instructions HERE!
and don't miss...
This fabulous collection of holiday cupcake ideas from Jeanne Benedict of!
This candy cane cupcake idea she shared would be really easy to create!

Have a great week!



Hi Kim!

My name is Patrícia and i`m from Portugal.. on the other side of the world.
I really do love your blog. your fantastic ideias, which i have been using in my kids and friends party`s.

I was wondering if you could share some cupcake frosting recipes.. I really don`t have a clue how to make the fantic frostings you make for your cupcakes!

Thank you so much

Duchess of Tea said...

Gorgeous post, simply gorgeous. Have a lovely week my luv.

Love & Hugs

Anonymous said...

LOVE that candy cane idea! That is so something I can do for the little Christmas party I am having for C and his friends! Thanks for sharing!

Cherry Blossoms said...

Once again I want to eat them all! If you learn the bow trick can you let us faithful readers know how it is done? I have tried tying ribbon before on cupcakes and can never seem to get it to work. That would be helpful! Have a great day!

Heather said...

How amazingly cute!

Christi Bennett @ pisforparty said...

Love all of the cute ideas! Also, great idea...listing aqua and red Etsy finds!

Unknown said...

oh i adore ALL of these cupcakes. and you are right..the m&m ones sure seem simple enough to pull off - i love the "clean" design of them. so smart.

thanks for sharing kim...

A Love Worth Waiting For.... said...

SO cute!!

Chris @ Celebrations At Home said...

{squeals with delight}I love the red and white cupcakes in the top pic!!

Mommy said...

So stinkin' cute!! Love them all :) I will try the easy ones though. Thanks for sharing!