I have been dreaming about making tutus for all of the little girls coming to Kate's party, although it seems it might be a daunting task with our guest list. When I posted some inspiration photos on Facebook, party planner Joanne from
Oh Goodie Designs commented on how she made her own similar to the ones pictured! She was kind enough to create a TUTU-tutorial for me and for all of you TomKat Studio readers! We'll see if my mom & I can get these together for the party!
From Joanne:
First I gather my supplies, a roll of tulle for each color wanting to use.

I measure a yard and a half of ribbon in this case the polka dot, and tie each end to a chair.

Then, I cut about a foot from the tulle roll. I then tie making a pattern as I go the tulle in a double knot. I never tie it too tight as that would defeat the purpose of an adjustable tutu. I leave it loose enough to slide on the ribbon.

Once I finish tying, I then decorate with other coordinating ribbons and bows or flowers.
The tulle can be trimmed evenly as needed.

The tutu is tied on with the ribbon in the back. I
t is adjustable to fit by sliding the tulle knots tight or spread out evenly.
Seems easy enough!
I'll keep you posted on what I decide to do for the party!
Thank you for sharing your instructions and photos, Joanne!
Want to see Kate's tutus from her previous parties?
That is just dripping with sweetness! So pretty.
Gorgeous!!! Thanks for the easy directions. :) My girls would love this, and it sounds like an affordable party favor.
I am just picturing a whole party of tu-tu clad little girls...i can't wait to see the pics! Great tutorial...Good luck!!
Love these! I ended up making tutus for all of the girls last year for my daughters Angelina ballerina party. It was fun to see all of the pink running around everywhere.
What a sweet, sweet idea! Too bad I have a little boy! LOL
Thank you SO much for the tutu-torial!! I just made my daughter a quick and easy tutu for her 1st bday yesterday and it turned out ADORABLE! Thanks for making what seemed complicated, into a very easy project!
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