How could you not?!
Oooh la la....take me to Paris please....and the ballerina cupcake girl?

These girls know what they're doing....
I imagine that their packaging alone will impress you!
Check out the wrapped gift that they sent Kate!
Isn't it gorgeous?
I imagine that their packaging alone will impress you!
Check out the wrapped gift that they sent Kate!
Isn't it gorgeous?
Okay, so it's time to ENTER THE GIVEAWAY to receive a set of these fabulous notecards!
There are 4 ways to enter:
1. Visit Icing Designs Etsy Shop, come back & leave a comment with your favorite item!
2. Become a fan of The TomKat Studio on Facebook & leave a comment here that you are a fan (or already were!)
1. Visit Icing Designs Etsy Shop, come back & leave a comment with your favorite item!
2. Become a fan of The TomKat Studio on Facebook & leave a comment here that you are a fan (or already were!)
3. Follow The TomKat Studio on Twitter & leave a comment here that you are a follower (or already were!)
4. Post about this giveaway on your own Blog, Facebook Page and/or Tweet about it & comment here with the links! (up to 3 entries for reposting on each)
Winner will be chosen on Friday, January 22, 2010 at 11:00pm (MST).
Any entries received after this time, will not be considered. Open to US residents.
Winner will be chosen using random.org
4. Post about this giveaway on your own Blog, Facebook Page and/or Tweet about it & comment here with the links! (up to 3 entries for reposting on each)
Winner will be chosen on Friday, January 22, 2010 at 11:00pm (MST).
Any entries received after this time, will not be considered. Open to US residents.
Winner will be chosen using random.org
Have been a fan of yours on Facebook for a couple of months now. Love your stuff. And these gifts cards are just beautiful. Keeping my fingers cross to win. ;)
Just became a fan on Facebook yesterday and im just in love with all the crafty stuff! I hope I get picked to win the beautiful cards :) Thank you
I am a huge fan and follower! Thank you for this giveaway!
Brand new fan but SO excited to see this posting! I'm glad I became your fan on FB!
I also just started following you on Twitter! Hooray!
Wow, how can you pick a favorite? I guess if I have to, I love the Sweet Baby cards!
I am and have been both a Facebook fan and a Twitter follower, and usually can't go a day without visiting your blog. Thanks for your beautiful work and inspiration!
I LOVE the Lumiere cards! They go with my wedding theme and I think it's just simple and special!
I love them all, but I think that my favorites are the ones with the cute little pregnant girls on them. I love baby bumps, and I also like the can can one. The colors on it are so pretty
I have been a fan of yours and now follow you on FB :) I love the Candy Monogram cards! What a great way to dress up something so simple.
I am kind of new to the contest entering thing, so I have a question...if we "qualify" for multiple "Ways to win" can we enter for each? And if so, do we have to submit one comment for each thing (such as one comment for FB fan, one for Twitter follower, and one for favorite item), or can we throw them all in one entry and be considered entered each time? Thanks!
Just checked out the shop on Etsy--My favorite item so far is the Frosted Photo--what a cool idea!! My mother would absolutely love something like this. Thanks for posting the giveaway!!
Facecbook Fan and love all your blogs, thanks for sharing!
I'm a fan on facebook , and I love your blog ! I've got it on my feedreader and I really love the cute things you've got on your blog :D
I follow TKS on FB.
Love the little ballerina. Reminds me of my sweet ballerinas and how fast they are growing.
Love the Sweet Little Ballerina design. So precious!
I LOVE the Valentines Day card with the gum balls on it. :)
I follow you on FB!! Love it!
Blog Post: http://morgansmatinee.blogspot.com/2010/01/sweet-giveaway.html
FB post:
I'm a fan of yours on FB! Love, love, love your posts!
What a fun Etsy shop! I love paper! The "Take Two of These and Call Me in the Morning" get well cards are too cute, and I love the "Sweet Baby" cards. Perfect for all the baby showers I have coming up this spring!
ooh I love these. So cute! My favorite is the Mermaid Sweet kisses!
I now follow you on facebook
Love the Ice Cream Sundae card--so cute!
mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com
fan on facebook
mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com
twitter follower
mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com
I love the ballerina card! It reminds me of my almost 4 year old daughter!
I'm already a follower on Facebook
I love your studio and am a fan on FB. I have "borrowed" many of your ideas for my daughter's birthday parties.
Twitter follower!
sweetpeachesmommy [at] gmail [dot] com
Im a Fan!!!!!!!!!! I have been following your blog since December and Loooooove it!
I'm already a Twitter Follower! @WhimsyandWise
Already a Facebook friend!
I posted about this awesome giveaway on the sidebar of my blog!!
FB fan!
What an adorable giveaway!!! I love glitter and monograms, so my favorite would have to be the "Candy Monogrammed Notecards". Her gift tags are so cute too!
I am a follower...
Became a fan of TokKat today on facebook. I love love love Icings Design. I am going to order the frosted photos for the New Year photo of my family. Love it love it love it.
I am going to have to buy the sweet baby icecream {but it will say two scoops giving to my cousin who is expecting twins!}
Such lovely cards! I am loving this one though! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=38724592
I am fanning TomKat Studio on Facebook!!
I love these cards! I am already a TomKat fan on Facebook!
My favorite is the Pregnant "Expect One scoop" invites. So cute. I've gotta let me BFF know about this site when I become pregant.
BTW, I ADORE your site....you have given me so much party inspiration, you are a party goddess!
I love them all, but the cupcakes ones are my favorites!!
I've been an fan and even linked you to my blog for my son's 1st birthday party. I love the Sweet Shoppe from Icing Designs.
Oh my so sweet! I love sweets and birds so one of my favorites is the Sweet Love Birds card, and of course all the cupcake ones too!
I'm also became a fan on Facebook :)
Already a facebook fan!
Love the tutu suite! :)
you already know I am one of your biggest fans! :)
I am a facebook fan and love this blog and Icing Designs!
I found your blog from a friend's blog. Love the cupcakes! I really like the Baby Carriage in pink design. I'm having my first girl, and am so excited to go pink :o)
Well, yo already know me, I am a long time follower! I would love to win, this cards look absolutely amazing!
Sweet Tiers is my favorite!
I LOVE the Valentines day candy shop...maybe becuase i am so into valenitnes day right now and getting things together for valentines day and a pink party I am hosting. I love the cupcake topper...especially all the bling.
I love the Shoe Lala card! What's not to love about sparkly pink heels and cupcakes?!
Thanks for the the chance at this giveaway. I liked several items in her shop, but liked the Candy Monogrammed Note Card Sets the best because I could use them for any occasion.
Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
I am a fan on facebook.
Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
I am following you on twitter, intdsglady.
Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
I blogged about this giveaway, http://lauras2littleboys.blogspot.com/2010/01/tomkat-studio-icing-designs-hand.html
Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
I twitted about this giveaway. http://twitter.com/intdsglady/status/7959212887
Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
I'm a fan on facebook and twitter! Thanks for hosting this 'sparkly' contest! :-)
All of the notecards are adorable but I love the sweet tutu cards!
check this site many, many times....a DAY! Almost an addiction! Love the designs on the cards....too cute!!!
I just love all the glitter they use ;)
just posted but noticed my name didn't come up, showed up anonymous...so email is lambert@nhlpa.com
I think the sweet baby icecream is just precious! luv it!
LOVE the sweet baby ice cream!
follower on FB
Already a fan on FB!
Love the frosted photos...very cute!
Notecards are beautiful!
I've been a fan on FB for awhile now and now I'm following you on Twitter!
*Hugs* -Angela- embraceyourlife@gmail.com
I also LOVE the Sweet Baby Icecream!! SO cute! :)
I became a fan on facebook a couple of weeks ago. LOVE the wealth of ideas on your site!!
love the ballerina as well....would be too cute with 3 girls in the house...melissa
I'm already a facebook fan and twitter follower!
I admit I'm a TomKat stalker & a FB fan...LOVE LOVE LOVE ~Sweet Shoppe~!
Just visited her site - my favorite is sweet tiers. I just love sweets towers!
Oh, wow I *looooove* them all, and if I win there's no way I could part with them - they'll be framed!! I guess my very favorites are the "Can Can" girl and "Cupcakes are the new apples" Darling!
You know I'm a FB fan!
and of course follow you on Twitter!
Well since I messed up and put all on one entry :) this entry will be to say I am a Facebook fan and proud of it!
I love all her designs, but the one I like the most is the Tutu Sweet!!
...and I am also a Twitter follower...one of the few Twitter people that I follow that I look for specifically in my list every day.
Love the Frosted Photos!!!
Thanks Kim... sorry about that! Sooo i love love love something blue!
just tweeted about the giveaway
have to say that I love the one with the Eiffel tower and the "lumiere" card! I am really enjoying your blog!
Love your site! Everything on TomKat is adorable! I also follow you on twitter!
How cute! I love the Sweet Baby Carriage items.
I'm a follower on Facebook, too!
I am facebook fan. My favorite is Shoe la la...so cute!
I'm a HUGE fan of yours! i love the cupcake ballerina =)
I became a fan on facebook!
I LOVE the frosted photos!
Umm Paris and cupcakes I am sold. These cards are beyond adorable! I am already a fan on fb and a follower of your fabulous blog! I am going to mention this giveaway over on my site. Keeping those fingers crossed!
I'm a follower via Google Reaader.
It is soooo hard to choose but I think I love the sweet love birds the best, so cute and dainty and sweet.
How to pick a single favorite...but given that I have a well-documented macaron obession, I would have to go with the macaron cards
The Valentine's Day card is adorable!! Love it!
Please enter me :)
I tweeted about your giveaway here too...
Huge follower of yours...one of my favorites is the Candy Monogrammed Note Card Sets
I just became a follower and I really hope to win-these are just adorable!
I love the "Cupcakes are the new apple" cards they'd be perfect for when I start teaching.
I'm a fan on facebook.
vbbradford at gmail dot com
OOOOH .... All so cute!!! How to choose? Shoe - La -La ... shoes AND a cupcake, life is good!
I love the sweet love birds! They are all stunning!
Oh, and I am a fan and a follower, of course!
Oooohhh!!! I love them all, but since my husband and I are going to Paris in May for our anniversary, I love the French macaroons.
Love them all.. They are so cute!
and your blog is awesome too!
Already a Fan!! :)
Love your blog and the hand-glittered notes. Very cute! I shared them with friends on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/royalevents
Put me down for Luminiere. Altho the Valentines one was darling too. Love seeing all your adorable ideas and follow you.
I love the monogrammed note cards!
I really love the frosted photo invitations. These would be perfect for my parents anniversary party!
i love the lumiere cards!
I have a been a fan of yours and am a fan on facebook!!! Love it all!! Thanks for inspiring me to be more crafty!
I am a FB fan and I love these cards! I think the Frosted Photo cards are a great idea...
They are so sweeet
I am a facebook fan
Love the "Cupcakes are the New Apple" design. Thank you for continually adding a creative sparkle to my life.
~Emilie T.
Teacher, CA.
totally LOVE the Icing Designs etsy shop...there was so much to look at but i chose something from the valentine's day collection...since it's right around the corner.
love the "valentine's day candy shoppe" found here:http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=37929962
so cute.
thanks for doing the giveaway...so much fun!
Love the Ice Cream Sundae!!!
what a cute shop! i love all the sparkle :)
the sweet baby invites are my fave! i'm hoping to host a baby shower soon and these would be perfect.
Wow I am in love!! I visited and I can't decide on a favorite but I narrowed it down to Sweet Little Ballerina and Happy Valentine's Day Girlfriend
I am a facebook fan and I posted about the give away!
sweet shoppe- just adorable.
WOW! Icing designs is amazing-all hand-made!I loved (and ordered) the Happy Valentine's Day Girlfriend card-it's fun to remember our girls on Valentine's Day! Thanks!!!!
I couldn't pick just one...LOVE the Lumiere and Sweet Baby Carriage cards.
I'm already a facebook fan :)
My favorite is the sweet baby carriage invitation. Beautiful work!
I like the Sweet Tiers card!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
favorite item in icing designs etsy shop:
Valentine's Day Candy Shoppe.
i'm a Facebook fan! <3
Sweet tiers is so beautiful and can easily be made into a tea party invitation. Thank you!
Officially a fan of TomKat on facebook : )
OK, ALL the cards I saw at Etsy are gorgeous!!!! I am having a Poodle Paris Party this year for my little one and the Paris Cards would go so well with the theme!!!! I am so amazed at the talents out there!!!!
Sweet Tiers is my favorite!
Twitter Follower! @lanakalanalou
Love the sparkly cupcake flags!!
LOVE the Sweet Tiers and Valentine Candy Shoppe -Adorable!! Also love that one design can be on several items of my choice.
etsy shop sweetiesbykim
Love the cards, my favorite has to be their "Ode to Paris" collection. Every card in there is adorable! Hoping to win these great note cards.
cute stuff! already a fan on FB, so, i'm leaving my comment with what i think is uber cute from icing designs - sweet tiers - to be used as birthday cards for my special friends. cute, cute, cute!!!
Ok, I have 2 favorites:
Sweet Love Birds
But, I would be happy to have anything in her shop!
These are soooo beautiful!!!!
My favorite item is the Merci Beaucoup. I love cupcakes(That's why my daughter is having a cupcake party for her 1st birthday)and I have always wanted to visit Paris to see the Eiffel Tower. :) So they go great together!
Just became a fan on FB! Excited for the giveaway and to see all the fun creations!
Been a fan of yours for a while...but finally became a fan on Facebook! ;)
Love getting inspiration from all the beautiful things! Glad to be a fan!
I love your blog and have been a facebook fan for awhile! Thanks for the great give a way!
love these - so sweet. I love the Eiffel tower cupcake design - wonderful for a Parisian Party! I am a fan and would love to win a set!
Love, love, LOVE the Valentine's Sweet Shoppe! How cute could they be?! I've been a lurking fan for a while now, love your stuff Kim!
I'm a fan on facebook! Such cute cards :)
Love the note cards your site and facebook!!!!!:) Perfect for my sister's bridal shower!!!!
I went to the etsy store and love the sweet baby ice cream dream invites, expecting one scoop! So cute!
I just became a fan of the TomKat Studio on FB, didn't know you had a fan page or I would have done it sooner!
Although there is a lot to LOVE on the sight I would have to say the Tutu line is my very favorite. I had to restrain myself from reaching out to caress the cute little glittery tutus! I can only imagine this line in person. Tutu cute!
LOVE, LOVE everything! "That's Amore" is just too cute!!
I'm a blog follower and look forward to every post! ;-)
I follow you on Twitter! Tweet!! ;-) Thanks Kim for sharing another fabulous shop with us!
I love all of them
Great giveaway! Posted it on my blog!
Oh my! Everything is adorable but the gift tags are my favorite. They are so versatile I can see myself using them in many ways.
I'm a brand new fan of yours on facebook too!
OK!!!!! Gift tags are adorable too!!!!!!
I like the Joyeux Anniversaire ones
annemolino at hotmail dot com
FB fan of Tomkat studio
Follow Tomkat studio on TWitter amolino
Fan on FB! Love the Can Can girl for Icing Designs! :)
I really like the Merci Beaucoup card.
LOVE the gift tags and the Sweet Tiers... all of them are gorgeous! Well. The last person never wins, so I just gave the gal in front of me a shot! :)
I love them ALL!!! Their shop is just adorable (I feel so small surrounded by these amazing women!)
xox Andrea
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