Last week, I was able to have a "free-day" for myself, which is truly a luxury. I finally got to go spend some serious time at IKEA and ended up spending my gift card in it's entirety. I found some great items for the room! Desk, chandelier, desk lamp, desk organizers, candles.......
I assembled the desk, which if you can believe it, EACH leg had 15 wood slats to construct. I opened the first box and just sat on the floor laughing. Even though it looked intimidating, it really wasn't too bad. I have been using it for a few days now, and I LOVE it. It was a steal at $100 (it's on sale right now)! I'm really happy I went with glass, because it's easy to clean if the kids decide to color on it.

I can't wait to have my electrician install my new chandelier! Where are you, Ryan? (It does have an actual light in the middle, plus the candle holders)
I also got a green shag rug, but it's way too bright and is going back. My new friend, Sarah at Sarah's Fab Day found me an adorable Pottery Barn black and white rug online, and it's on sale (see below), but I decided I need to find the drapery fabric first, then decide on a rug. It will probably be gone by then.....but we'll see!
I assembled the desk, which if you can believe it, EACH leg had 15 wood slats to construct. I opened the first box and just sat on the floor laughing. Even though it looked intimidating, it really wasn't too bad. I have been using it for a few days now, and I LOVE it. It was a steal at $100 (it's on sale right now)! I'm really happy I went with glass, because it's easy to clean if the kids decide to color on it.

I can't wait to have my electrician install my new chandelier! Where are you, Ryan? (It does have an actual light in the middle, plus the candle holders)

I also got a green shag rug, but it's way too bright and is going back. My new friend, Sarah at Sarah's Fab Day found me an adorable Pottery Barn black and white rug online, and it's on sale (see below), but I decided I need to find the drapery fabric first, then decide on a rug. It will probably be gone by then.....but we'll see!
Hi Kim, Thanks so much for dropping into my blog and leaving your words of encouragement. I work for a pharamacuetical company and like you with your flyers the most creative fun i have is selecting different colour fonts and backgrounds in my reports!!!!!! I just love the table above from IKEA-One of my next projects is to make one of our spare rooms into a hobby room and a table like that would be just perfect.. I love IKEA, living in Ireland there is just one branch and its about a 3 hour drive away so when i do go I am like a kid in a candy store! Thanks for your photo tips..i will definitely look up those tools. I hope to get clicking over the weekend on my living room so its great to be armed with a little more knowledge especially about taking pictures when facing the window. Best of luck with all your creative projects and thanks for sharing your ideas through this blog, i will definitely be stopping by, Hilary
I love that desk! It looks just like one from Pottery Barn but waaaay more affordable I'm sure. Love the blog!
I still love the rug!
Fabulous Kimmi! Keep posting more on it.
I went to the hostess with the mostess last night, FUN FUN! I will email you about it.
Hilary - Very cool, I have a friend in Ireland now! :) Keep blogging!
Amber - Thank you! I love yours, too. Found it through Sarah's Fab Day!
Mere - I'm so glad you went! Tell me all!
The event was really fun! Swanky hotel, free drinks and apps..and crafting ideas. What more can a girl want? The theme was butterflies, and she showed you how to make lots of great things out of simple scrap book paper. Exmaple: using a 12x12 sheet for placemats then cutting smaller strips for napkin rings. Lots of great center piece ideas.... Simple flowere wraped in vase with same themed paper...very cute. Also, she was a big chinese lantern too, me too!
It was very themey and very fun. xxoo Thanks for the great idea!
That desk is so perfect. the furniture from ikea always comes in a million pieces! but the prices make up for it. ryan definetly needs to come put up your beautiful new chandelier-i love it. i'm excited to see what else you will do!
Thanks Camille!
I just came here from decor8. Guess what? I have the same desk and I love it! So easy to care for and pretty!
Kim, I live in Gilbert and saw the Go Gilbert piece with you in it-first-I am so jealous of your creativity! secondly-saw the desk you have and I went and bought it and the sideboard on Sunday at Ikea-did our office in white, black and light blue. lastly-so glad for the piece about momprenuers! Just found out last night I am pregnant with #3 and looks like it might be time for me to stop working full time!
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