Which one do you think they picked?
PS..We're hoping that we'll need some of these for our own family soon! :)
(Our current home is on the market!.....you probably didn't know this, but in addition to being a party-crazed crafty momma, I am a Realtor! :)
i love #4!!!! those are all so cute!!! good luck picking one out!
very cute...I like #2!
Another move for you guys? Did you find a place?
I like #2 and #3. Adorable work! =)
I like them all and think its so funny that I just did some for my brother in law about a week ago.
Beautiful photos of your homes. Why are you selling your current one?
Love them all! You are one busy (and talented) woman!
i didn't know you were a realtor too... how to you find the time?! (my favorite is #3). hope all is well!
oops...'how DO you find the time'.
I'm pretty sure I know which one she picked--#2!! I love them--thank you so much! We love your [former]home. Thanks again for keeping it in such good shape for us. And thanks for thinking we're awesome and darling.
Thanks girls!
Air - We are downsizing! With the real estate market here in Phx in the dumps, it's time to simplify! (my hubby is in real estate also!)
Becca - I CAN'T find the time! Hee! Hee! I am not actively working right now in real estate (well, a little bit here & there)...since the market is so bad, and my little ones are growing up so fast I decided to stay home with them last fall.
Karen - I'm so glad you love the announcements and the HOUSE! It's so fun to see pictures of your family enjoying it! :) And it's the truth....you are awesome and darling! (and fabulous and wonderful!)
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