Meet Miss Evelyn! I have decided to "name" each frame that I make. That way if you ever see one you like, just remember her name and I'll know which one you're talking about! Plus it is just plain fun to look at the style of the frame and come up with a fitting name!
Evelyn was made using my favorite square 12x12 frame. The paper used to dress her is a green and white damask, with a worn look. The base of the frame is painted white. Swarvoski crystals outline the center opening for a 4x4 photo. She is topped with a beautiful white & green flower sparkling with crystals!
I am gearing up to officially launch an Etsy shop to sell invitations and frames! I am planning on making each frame unique, although if someone requests a certain style I can duplicate it, as long as the materials are available. I am also open to making custom frames to fit your nursery, child's room or home decor. Just say the word....
Me likey! Do you think one like that would look cute in the salon to tie in more of the green from my logo?? And do you know where I can get a decal made of my logo? Someone told me they have machines that make those??
I soon will be ordering one for my friend Colleen. She is preggo. I love The Evelyn- Good Work!
I like the idea of naming them. My friends sister started a hand bag company and names everything! It's really a great idea.
Glad you girls like Evelyn! I think she's my fave now.:)
T - I just bought some really cute paper that will look fab in your salon! Maybe I'll do a green with a pink flower. Look on Etsy for the wall decals. They're lots of vendors for that on there.
M - I would love to make one for Colleen! Tell the mommy-to-be congrats from me!
What a great idea!!! I am soooo excited for you to open your shop because I will be one of the people in line for buying frames. :) HOORAY!!! I LOVE The TomKat Studio!!! If you ever have a frame making party I would love to come!!!
Thanks so much, Lorie! I'm definitely thinking about hosting some craft parties, so I'll keep you posted! Thanks for being a devoted fan! :)
I love the pattern and of course the sparkle from the crystal! Green is my favorite color and this frame would add a very special touch to any room... :)
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