On Sunday, April 18, 2010 Katie, Mark and Taylor started a typical Sunday morning. They made breakfast and cuddled on the couch as a family going about their regular daily schedule. Katie prided herself on her schedule... morning nap time came and Katie put Taylor in her crib. Taylor was laughing and playing with her feet.
It is unclear what happened. We are waiting for news from the medical examiner but when Katie went to check on Taylor she had vomitted blood and was rushed to the hospital.
Taylor passed away on April 18, 2010
If you can, PLEASE purchase a bow in memory of Taylor. The bow was designed to match Taylor's nursery. It was created by one of Taylor's mom's sorority sisters and all proceeds (less shipping) will be given to the Cosmas family. I asked Vicki to take a few photos of the bow, and she created this SLIDESHOW.
Taylor passed away on April 18, 2010

Bows will be available until June 1st. If you purchase anything else from Kiddie Kaboose, please enter TAYLOR at checkout and you will receive 15% off. The 15% will also be given to the Cosmas family.
You can visit Taylor's Caring Bridge Page and leave love and prayers for the Cosmas family HERE.
Please be thankful for every moment you have with your babies.
They are truly a blessing.
You can visit Taylor's Caring Bridge Page and leave love and prayers for the Cosmas family HERE.
Please be thankful for every moment you have with your babies.
They are truly a blessing.
{all photos courtesy of vicki lynn photography}
I write this tears with streaming down my face and holding my baby tightly. My boy was only a week older then Taylor. I really have no words right now, so I am off to buy some bows...
This is truly heartbreaking...I couldn't even imagine:( Off to buy some bows...
What a truly heartbreaking story. We'll be praying for God's comfort for their unimaginable grief.
This is very very sad. I purpose to buy some bows this Friday (payday). I don't know if comfort is available for this family, but hopefully, somehow, they will find it one day....
I can't bear the thought of this couple's pain... I really can't. They have been in my prayers every day since I first heard of this. Just bought the Taylor bow and a couple others as well. Thanks for posting this :)
This has to be such a hard time for the parents. My heart aches for the mother as she has to be asking herself why and going through a list of if onlys.
I can't even start to think about how sad this family must be. I had tears reading the post. That picture is so cute. What a beautiful baby.
Sure is a reminder to always cherish each minute we have with loved ones.
My heart breaks for the Cosmos family, as I hold my own daughter in my arms. I can't imagine their pain and can only pray that God will hold them in His arms and comfort them in their time of pain and sorrow.
heartbreaking, the worse fear of any parent...
how terribly heart breaking, my heart and my prayers go out to the family. May God Bless them and put his comforting hands on them and lift them up in this difficult time.
This is so heartbreaking... there are really no words. I, too, hold my baby closer to me at this moment and am sending up a prayer for this family.
I can not imagine. Those poor parents. Please post if there is anything else the family needs. Off to purchase some bows.
Added a link to this post to my Aly&Ash facebook page as well as tweeted about it. Hope it helps raise more money.
i am soooooo sorry for their loss, as soon as i started to read this sad story the date jumped right off the page at me - that is my baby girls birthday and i will forever remember this day for two reasons now!
xoxo jenn
I am new to your blog, but already a fan of your work! This story is heartbreaking. It is the second story of infant death that I have heard this week. It is a mother's worse feat. So happy to spread the word.
After just giving birth to a baby girl on February 27, I cannot even imagine the pain this family must feel. I am buying a bow and will pray for this family. God bless them!
This is heartbreaking. So unfair. I'll definitely buy some bows in memory of that sweet, gorgeous baby girl.
I can't imagine what the family is going though.
My little son was born the exact same day.
My heart goes out to them and they are in my prayers.
Thank you for sharing this and letting us know how we can help in a tiny way by buying bows. My heart breaks for this family. I'm a mom and I can't imagine the pain this beautiful couple must be feeling. What a darling baby girl...what a tragic loss.
I just couldn't imagine and yes I will hug my baby extra tight tonight and every night. I will be glad to purchase bows to help out. Has there been any more information on cause of death? Such an unbelievable tragic story. My heart goes out to that family.
My heart hurts for the Cosmas family. Prayers are comforting and this family needs a flooding of them right now! I have 2 boys but will definately buy bows!
My husband and I lost our first baby, a girl in much the same way. She passed away in her sleep at only 6 weeks of age. So I do know what they are going through and it's the worst pain imaginable. Reading this story brought back all of those horrible feelings. I would do anything to help this family. They are in my prayers. I will gladly buy some bows!
Dear Kim -
I thoroughly enjoy your blog and have used many of your ideas for my own parties!
When I read this post about the Cosmos family, I wanted to pass along to you that I lost my first child, Hope Elizabeth, after 24 weeks of pregnancy. With a couple of other friends who have experienced the loss of a baby, we started a support ministry called Tiny Purpose. If we can help this family at all, we would be happy too! Our website is www.tinypurpose.com
Have a blessed day!
Alaina Hiatt
my heart really hurts. I could understand how the family feels.
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