Can I share with you my bittersweet weekend? I know I don't get too personal on my blog, but today I'm letting it out. Maybe this will be therapeutic for me.
Our home SOLD over the weekend.
This is a great thing. Repeat, this is a great thing. Our life will be much easier when we get settled in something more manageable. This is what I've been wishing for every single day. I'm so sick of cleaning, rearranging my schedule, picking up every little toy, turning on every light, burning every candle to make it show PERFECT! I'm sick waiting in anticipation to see if each showing was "the one". We've been so close to selling it so many times. It finally happened last night. What a relief.
I love this house. I spent six months of my life coordinating the remodel of the entire house. Every tiny detail was chosen by my hubby & I. Sadly, every dollar and more that was put into this house is lost because of the market.
{kitchen ~ BEFORE}
I'm not going to continue to complain about this because we were lucky to have had plenty of good times when the market was great. And even though it's ugly, things can always be worse.
Here's the real kicker though, and I am wondering what you would do in this situation.
The buyer made an offer on our home including EVERYTHING in it! Fully furnished.....4,000 square feet of years of accumulation and...
We needed to get the deal done, it was a high pressure situation and we DID IT. It wasn't easy, I walked around my house crying making a list of what absolutely couldn't stay. I'm still so shocked and really can't even comprehend what's next. We don't even know where we're going....
Let me disclose, that this has happened before, sort of. When the market was good, we moved VERY often. Most of the time the buyers wanted some of our furniture. No big deal, that means shopping for me! And if you don't know this about me, I am obsessed with staging and decorating. I really don't get attached to furniture. You know, we would sell a couch here, a table there.....however, this sale includes EVERYTHING, with the exception of my beloved armoire (below) which I couldn't bear to give up and a short list of personal items. It's flattering really, that someone likes my taste enough to want everything!
I still don't think I truly "get" that this is really happening. The whole thing just isn't sinking in. First priority....where are we going to live?!
Second priority....get excited about having a fresh start, a clean slate, a whole house that needs to be decorated....in any way my heart desires. I don't even know where to begin. It's going to be a big project...I plan on writing about my progress here...and hope you will join me!
If this isn't BITTERSWEET....I don't know what is.
It's time to look on the bright side....and I'm ready.
At least I have my wonderful family and my armoire. ;)
Thanks for listening. I think this helped.
Thanks for listening. I think this helped.
My heart hurts for you, but it sounds like you have a great attitude and will be able to handle all the changes. As women, I find our attitudes generally "rub off" on our children and even husbands so I know your positive spirit will make things easier for them. Good luck and I look forward to following your search for a new home.
Oh no! You poor thing! Hang in there!
I love, love, love your kitchen!!!
I can't speak for you, but sometimes a fresh slate is good.
This move means that you can choose any thype of house you would like without the worry of "will this fit or will this floor match the wood in the..."
Im sure you will do a fabulous job starting from scratch. I can't wait to read about all of your progress.
Best of luck in your NEW home search.
WOW!! That is crazy! A huge form of flattery though and just think at least you don't have to pack it all up:) Good Luck and can't wait to follow you on your journey.
Wow! Wow! Wow! Truly bittersweet. I wish you the best with your move and new shopping. I admire your talents for staging a home, and the fact that the buyers wanted EVERYTHING is a huge compliment, despite the sadness of having to part with things.
Good luck!
What a beautiful home and a beautiful opportunity to make another beautiful home!
Wow! Your house is beautiful! But you will have a fabulous time finding your new beautiful spot in the world!
I look forward to reading about your redecorating adventures!
Good luck to you!
What makes a home is not the stuff or the things but the people in it! :) What an exciting adventure! It is a great time to buy in the Phoenix market-I am sure you will find something wonderful.
Kimmie, I have known you for a LONG time. If there is ANYONE up to the challenge it is you! You will find a fabulous house for $5 and all of your new furniture you will find for 1/2 price. This is you, happy go lucky Kimmie. It is going to be awesome and you will look back on this experience and be so grateful when you get settled. I KNOW it! Congrats on the sale!!!!
Oh honey! I completely understand, how scary! More than anything you SOLD your home. This is wonderful. I had something similar happen to me once and I was actually offended until I gathered that it was flattery. I'm not surprised for a second that someone loves your taste so much that they wanted it all! I'm glad you were able to keep your armoire and get to start all over. Clearly this is a job you should be doing!!!
Wow, beautiful home. I would say it is quite flattering that someone would want your ENTIRE house, but I can see how it is definitely bittersweet. I think I would probably feel the same way. But, like you said, at least now you get to go shopping and start all over again. How many people get to do that? Good luck, and I can't wait to see what you do with your new house! :)
I guess this really is a fresh start! I love your "redo" photos of your kitchen - you did such a beautiful job! Good luck and I hope you will post your progress on everything. Would love to share.
Wow!!! I'm glad you shared with us. Sometimes, sharing what's heavy on your mind is the most helpful way to let go. Your house is gorgeous and I can understand why it would be hard. What a big step. However, I truly believe everything happens when it is meant to happen. Be confident in your decisions. You know yourself and what you can handle more than anyone else!
WOW!!! your kitchen looks beautiful! looking forward to reading your new decorations! =) you have GREAT taste!
OMG...that is WONDERFUL news! I'm so happy for you guys! ;)
Kim, I'm excited for you!!!! There is nothing I LOVE more than shopping for a new house and looking at the potential it has rather than the negative!!! I love what you did with your kitchen cabinets!!! I'm actually wanting to paint my oak cabinets are dark espresso brown....Maybe you can email me with your steps. This creative blog looks like staging and decorating needs to be added to it. I look forward to seeing all your fabulous new things!!!!!
P.S. Post pictures of ALL your rooms so we can see the beautiful way you decorated to encourage someone to want it fully furnished.
The remodel is beautiful as will the next house you decide to put your imprint on too!
Just think of all the NEW furniture you get to buy and all the things you don't have to cart with you when you do move out.
Sounds like a deal to me.
The best of luck to you and your family Kim.
That is great news that your house sold! Yet to part with so much is hard. I can understand why they'd want it all just from those few pictures, amazing.
We are also embarking on the selling of our home and I don't enjoy the stress of waiting to see if it sells. (or the constantly picking up after 4 kids to make sure it looks nice)
On to your next adventure.
Congratulations on selling the house, Kim! I know this is what you wanted but understand it must be hard for you. I know all the hard work you put into it. I know when you find the next house you'll put all your heart and soul into it, just like you did with this one and it will be wonderful. I'm glad you got to take your armoire with you. :o) Can't wait to see the new house!
So I have to say over the past 2 years I have found myself in the same boat at some point. Life happens for a reason and what you make of it is up to you. So with saying that, be happy and confident in what you do from here on out and maybe this will be a fun time to reinvent your new home in a fun new way. I think it would be hard to leave things behind, but as long as you take things with that hold memories the rest is just stuff and you will have so much fun decorating your new place. I know I had alot of fun in our new place. Its not our permanent place but I have learned so many new things about life and enjoying it more. I hope this all works out for you and you can breathe easier throughout all of it. :)
wow! That is Bittersweet! But think of it as a huge compliment and an opportunity to shop till you drop. I will kill for that.
Keep us posted.
Yay! that you sold it! I felt the same way when we sold ours but this weekend we headed out to our old house bc me parents have their river house right beside it and I was totally okay and didnt miss it a bit! I understand the whole moving a lot too. My dad is a builder and I'm 25 and have moved 26 times! Have fun with the new venture!
Wow, Kim...that is crazy!! Congrats on selling it, but I also understand the bittersweet side of it. I can't blame the buyer for wanting everything...you have incredible taste & style! I can't WAIT to follow along as you make your next house your home. :)
WOW! I wouldn't even know where to start with pricing everything in my home. I bet THAT was the crazy part.
I'd be floored. But so freaking excited to move on and start completely fresh. Exciting times!!
Congrats! Being through this just two weeks ago,, goodluck! and enjoy it yet again! and remember the house doesnt keep the memories , but the home you make for your family does!
Best Wishes to you and your family!
congrats on getting it sold. i'm a pack rat and also a "semi-reformed" shopaholic so i know the bittersweet feeling you are going through. i think you have exceptional taste but for a buyer to request "everything", that's so strange to me. best wishes on your new chapter and may it bring lots of wonderful memories as well as fun surprises.
OK some things to add to your positive list...
PACKING and MOVING will be easy!
SHOPPING is more fun than UNPACKING!
I know it will be SUPER hard..but time will pass and new memories will be built in your new home!
Wow, that's crazy that someone to buy EVERYTHING! If the rest of your house looks as good as your kitchen...I can see why they wanted to buy everything...they probably couldn't make it look as good as you had it. You want to come to Dallas and redecorate ours? haha. Good luck to you and have an awesome time shopping for the new house and furniture. I can only imagine how beautiful it will be. Wish I had your talent in home decor.
Big hugs!! You are braver than I could ever be and I'm wishing you the best of luck - I know you'll find the perfect house!
hi Kim,
I'm so sorry, AND congratulations! I don't know if you felt like that when you sold us your other home, but know that it's being cherished like no other home. You do have a knack for decorating, EVERYBODY comments on your decor in my house. We love it! You'll work your magic in another home where you will be happy, because that's where your family will be.
congrats, again! That's ironic because I just emailed my friend your house listing/photos today to see if they were interested...
I have never heard of someone wanting EVERYTHING in a home! Maybe one room and some wall decor, but the entire house? That's wild! I couldn't do it. I have a lot of artwork, family furniture and custom made furniture that I'd have to take. It would be fun to start over, but I have too expensive of taste and very little spare time to start over now. ha!!
Good luck with the move, house hunting and all that shopping! We may not see you around here for a while huh?
Now you need to start a blog just about your house selling and you having to start over with only an armoire. "Nothing but this Armoire." :-)
Hi Kim - I have only recently found your beautiful blog - it has become one of my favourites. I am sure you will find somewhere wonderful to move to and it will become your favourite place to be - a home is where your beautiful family is and what you make it and by the look of your blog wherever it is it will be sensational! Think positive and look forward as the possibilities are endless! Leanne
I am so happy for you, and excited that you will share your journey and progress here! Love to you! Andra
You are very brave to start all over again. But, then again, shopping is so fun and decisions about decorating is something that I love to do--and I guess youdo too. Congratulations on the sell and good luck with what's ahead. Youdid a super job on your kitchen!
holy smokes, your kitchen is gorgeous!! Everything, that would have been so tough to do! Hopefully it benefits you in some way, I don't know what I would have done. Can you come and help with my house! :) I will be praying for you about the where and the house you are to buy! Also, random, but where did you get your aprons? Love them!! Hang in there, I can't wait to read about your new house and where you go!
You've got great style! I'm sure bringing that into a new space will be cathartic and motivating. Worry not - everything works out as planned!
Hi i am a distant blogger who is very much in love with your style. I was wondering ...how did you remodel your gorgeous cabinets???
wow kim. that is big. impressively big. i don't know what i would have don't in your shoes. it's got to be a rollercoaster of emotions for your whole family, but enjoy the clean slate. hopefully it was meant to be. thinking of you.
Congratulations on your house!! That is awesome! Just think, people in the islands do this all the time. ; )
Hi Kim,
Congrats on your sale. Look forward to hearing how you decorate your next house. Love your kitchen remodel. I love what you did with your cabinets, as does many others. Could you make a post sometime about how you redid your cabinets? Did you just paint them? We are thinking about giving our kitchen a "facelift" and love your transformation. You really need to start a decorating service if you haven't already!!
Wow - your kitchen remodel is absolutely gorgeous! I am sure it is bittersweet with your home but what a compliment to your style! I love your blog and can't wait to see future pictures of your new home and what you do to it.
Wishing you the very best!!!
Wow! That is so huge! What an amazing opportunity! Best of luck to you!
Congratulations Kim! Good luck in searching for your next perfect home. Cloe x
WOW! I LOVE your kitchen. What a transformation. Those cabinets are beautiful. I hope I'm not making it worse... You've got to feel flattered that your home is perfect for another family. That means you've got great style. Good luck with everything.
Congratulations and big hugs to you. Sometimes our hand is forced and we don't know why but we grow from it. I am sure you will transition to your new home beautifully and look forward to following along your journey.
Your armoire just spoke to me. I have a very similar piece that I am just about to take on and renovate and organize (which naturally means a domino of other projects...). Thank your for the inspiration.
Yeah, it is kinda flattering that you have staged, decorated and furnished the house so well that someone wants to buy it just as it is. On the other hand, I know what you mean - selling all your stuff in the house seems like the end of one era, just gone.
Your kitchen is amazing!!! You have done so well I am shocked that it is the same room as the before! I thought it was out of a magazine. How did you refinish your cupboards they turned out absolutely gorgeous!
good luck with your move, looking at your pictures you will do great in making your new home beautiful!
God Bless you, I've done it too, and it is the hardest and as I know how the best thing that you will ever do. It is just things and what matters are people. Take a VERY deep breath, say, "Thank you" and more forward, the plan is in motion, let it happen and ENJOY the ride.
Congratulations! We also sold a home where we had invested a lot of money. Although it sold above our asking price, we didn't fully recover our investment. But it was ok with us. The improvements we did improved our quality of life. We enjoyed them daily. So we don't feel like we lost money. We also know that the new owners thoroughly enjoy them as well on a daily basis. All those things are worth more than the cash.
Did you paint your cabinets? I am trying to spice up my kitchen without replacing the cabinets (they are only four years old). Did you hire a professional painter? Your kitchen is beautiful. Actually both of them, the old house and the new house. Great Job!
Could you possibly share the paint color that you used in your old kitchen? I love it!
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