As you have probably read, I am
featured on the cover of
Go Gilbert magazine this month! The article is about moms who run businesses out of their homes, while raising babies! When I met with the editor for the interview in my home studio, she came up with the idea of having me stage a children's Garden Party for the fashion spread of the same issue. Since the photographer,
Paul Sebring, would already be at my house for the Mama article, we figured my backyard would be perfect for the shoot, and we could do it all in one day! It was a FABULOUS experience! There were people buzzing all around my house...hair, makeup, wardrobe...very exciting! I loved it!
The opening spread is my favorite (above)! I could tell this was going to be gorgeous! I created the "Garden Party" banner, set the table with the floral tablecloth (Target), pink tulips from AJ's, and lemonade with fresh lemons from my backyard! The children in the photos are these gorgeous girls' own! Can you imagine looking like that with a newborn?!

I designed the children's tablescape with placemats (Target), green/white square flower paper plates (Ikea), pink round plates (Walmart), and made the monogram placecards and paper butterflies with Amy Butler scrapbook paper! The cupcake stand is my own, and I made the cupcakes, and of course, the flower cupcake toppers!

There are my cupcakes again! The editor was quite impressed with my cupcakes and said I should open a shop! Wouldn't that be fun!? A shop for cupcakes & all my party goodies? Someday...you never know! My almost 4-year old, Tommy (on the right) was so excited to be in this photo. He is in love with this model and keeps ripping out this page from all of my copies of the magazine!

There is one of my lemon trees! The cute blanket was given to me by my friend,
Meredith a few years ago! It was perfect colors for the shoot!

There are my favorite pink
Martha pompoms again! They were adorable hanging from the tree over the table!
Thank you for a wonderful experience, Go Gilbert Magazine!